Casino Gambling Tips
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Improve your chances if winning at popular games like Blackjack, Slots, Video Poker and Roulette by using these tips written by our casino gambling expert - Mark.
Mark has extensive casino gambling knowledge and experience. For two decades, he worked at various casinos through out the United States. Mark moved his way up from being a Table Games Dealer to a Casino Shift Manager.
Now, Mark dispenses practical strategies as he answers questions mailed by casino gambling fans from all over the globe.
Whether you're a newbie or an expert at casino gambling, you're sure to find useful tips here at!
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Gambling Quotes
"Life is a gamble, like crossing the road. One day chicken, next day feathers."- Unknown
"Having an ATM in a casino is like having a lap-dancer at a Hell's Angels Convention. - McAvoy Layne
"Gambling has held human beings in thrall for millennia. It has been engaged in everywhere, from the dregs of society to the most respectable circles."- Peter L. Bernstein
Besides lovemaking and singing in the shower, there aren't many human activities where there is a greater difference between a person's self-delusional ability and actual ability than in poker.- Steve Badget
"Betting is the only moral thing you can do. It is an intellectual pursuit, as good as The Times crossword. For millions, it is the only uninfluenced democratic decision they take."- Lord Wyatt